SECURITY OFFICERS' DAY 2023 The Security Officers’ Day Awards 2023 recognises outstanding officers who have performed exemplarily in their duties. By Numbers 767 4 Recipients Award categories 767 Recipients 4 Award categories 6 18 713 30 Security Officer of the Year Awards SAS President’s Medal of Professionalism Awards KABAM Outstanding Officer Awards Job Redesign Awards 6 Security Officer of the Year Awards 18 SAS President’s Medal of Professionalism Awards 713 KABAM Outstanding Officer Awards 30 Job Redesign Awards AWARD CATEGORIES Security Officer of the Year Awards > VIEW AWARD RECIPIENTS SAS President's Medal of Professionalism Awards > VIEW AWARD RECIPIENTS KABAM Outstanding Officer Awards > VIEW AWARD RECIPIENTS Job Redesign Awards > VIEW AWARD RECIPIENTS > VIEW AWARD RECIPIENTS > VIEW AWARD RECIPIENTS > VIEW AWARD RECIPIENTS > VIEW AWARD RECIPIENTS SPEECHES Speech from Mr Desmond TanNTUC Deputy Secretary-General Speech from CSO Lorraine LimDeputy President, SAS #HORMATSECURITY “The #hormatsecurity campaign was launched in 2018 by the Security Industry Council to recognise the good work of our officers on social media and to encourage respect for them” Mr. Raj Joshua ThomasPresident, Security Association Singapore SAS SBF FOUNDATION COMPASSION FUND Supporting our WorkersApplications begin 2 November 2020